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Galiavan's Spiritual and Demonic Realms

  • Galiavan's Spiritual and Demonic Realms

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  • The Realms of the War Gods: Trapped within the Ring...

    The realms of 10 of the 12 War Gods that exist within the Signet Ring of the Tenik line.
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  • Spirit Realm

    The land where the spirits gather after death. It is both paradise and hell for some.
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    Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:00 am
    Col'nabel The Lost Town
  • Demon Realm

    The land where the spirits gather after death. It is both paradise and hell for some. It's also the birthplace of most demons.
    6 Topics
    33 Posts
    Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:50 pm
    Damien Darleston The Story of Amaines Rebirth
  • The Tower of Count Despar

    The legendary and mythical tower, where they say that Count Despar made his final stand against the demons of shadows, but turned out to be the last mistake he ever made. A large imposing tower that moves as one progresses through it. They say that this was a way to deter the demons from heading to the top floor, where the Count hid and tried to maintain his rule.

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    19 Posts
    Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:02 am
    Crisis Rocan The road to nowhere leads to Shadow Law
  • The Palace's Reflection: The Despoiled Castle Town of Benzi Makai

    The Palace's Reflection: The Despoiled Castle Town of Benzi Makai
    The Demonic and Spiritual Realm is far more vast and unique compared to Galiavan, but like a mirror's reflection, the equivalent of Beijio is overlain 1:1. There is a saying in Beijio, that the Yokai Realm of Benzi Makai. The palace of the Beijiosaki is despoiled in Benzi Makai, the city looking as if had been through countless wars, but without any proper rebuilding save in the most noble of areas. The Beijionese based their ranking system and government off of Emperor Benzi's decree's, but she had stolen the idea from the yokai from Benzi Makai... the family name included. Makai is another name for this decaying reflection of the Great Beijio Empire and her Islands, meaning the Spirit World or World of Spirits for Yokai are somewhere between spirit and demonic entities. Benzi Makai is run by a faceless Shogun, who has kept the demonic city state separate from other Demon Realm activities. They say... the sealed shrine guarded by the Tangeshima Clan, who descend from Onmyoji Warrior Monks during the Benzi Era (or Era of Scar'ds expansion) who supposedly did battle with the Yokai of Benzi Makai...
    2 Topics
    2 Posts
    Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:22 am
    Lei Mei The Throne of the Great Oni-Shogun
  • Sturmland

    The mirrored reflection of the continent of Fenira in the Demon Realm. Founded by the human Hendrik Von Sturm of Fenira, who conquered the demonic lands to claim his impish bride before going on and conquering Fenira in the 1500s. The Country is surrounded by the Sea of Agony, the Sea of Despar and of course the Hendrik Sea. Sturmland also sits in the middle of the known expanse that makes up the near infinite space which is the 'Demon Realm'.
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  • Stone Ocean of Onizama

    A mysterious blood red ocean in the eastern charted expanse of the Demon Realm. The ocean is still and as flat as glass, and is avoided by most demonkin for it is a 'cursed' place. You see, one cannot cross the ocean by conventional means, as boats cannot sail nor can motor driven vehicles work. The air is singing to demonic wings, so one cannot even hope to pass across its expanse. However, the ocean itself is crossable by foot. Though a clear, underwater world exists beneath your feet, you do not sink into this bizarre ocean. However, the denizens of the Stone Ocean can invite you beneath its crimson waves, if only to make a meal of you! Those who have supposedly fought through the pain, and avoid being dragged to a watery grave have never returned, but there is a 'Star' shaped, man-made paradise at the center of this expanse. This paradise supposedly houses the tastiest of mortal souls, just ripe for the taking but alas... none have managed to reach this fabled 'promised land' in all of Demon Realm history...
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:02 am
    Crisis Rocan MapQuest - An FD&D journey begins
  • The Base of Yggdrasil

    At the center of the Stone Ocean, a unique, 'Star Shaped' so called 'continent'. Unknown to the denizens of both realms, the land is in truth the base of the 'God Tree' mentioned in all Elvish legends, Yggdrasil itself. When the elves were of one race, they challenged the Wandering God, Krad, and for their hubris He/She severed their great tree. However, unable to be fully destroyed by the demented God, the trunk and roots sank deep, creating a separate dimension; which created the vast space which is now known as the Demon Realm. The Stone Ocean's crimson waters and odd properties is the literal blood of the tree itself; the denizens which make their home beneath are the poor souls fused, mangled and revived by the ancient blood fueled by the hatred of Yggdrasil's fall- kill and attack anyone associated with both the Gods and the Demon Realm, but that bit may only be legend... Yggdrasil is now a utopian city for those who make it there or are born there. The land is a great location for practicing alchemy as it is the birthplace of the near infinite Demon Realm...
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  • Mephistopolis, Yggdrasil Interior

    Carved into the deep trunk of Yggdrasil, a subterranean necropolis that was the first city to 'take root' upon Yggdrasil's corpse. The city is named after a rather unknown character from Galiavan history, an Alchemist named Mephisto who was a mortal and enemy of the Demon King Faust. Faust, upon establishing the empty and vast 'Realm' created by the Yggdrasil Rift as his safe haven for the Demonkin under his protection. For Mephisto, he found himself digging into the trunk of the great elvish tree, the only location in the realm he was protected fully by Faust's influence and great demonic power. Over time, the alchemist began building a grand fortress and underground city, soon populated by 'wayward souls' and living beings alike... It is unknown what happened to Mephisto, nor why the city was eventually abandoned and near forgotten by those who live in the utopia above... but as Alchemist's say- 'As Above, So Below'...
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  • Magedom of Stygia

    A small continent bordered by the Stone Ocean to the East, the Black Ocean to the west, the Styx River to the south, and the Blood Sea to the north. It is an empire of humans known as Stygians who are immune to the demonic realm's corrupting influence on the mortal body and soul, and produces humans who are very advanced in Dark Arts, Black Magic, Dark Alchemy & Advanced Science, and of course the Occult. The Stygian Empire is lorded over by Prince Leo.
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  • The Sea of Blood/Blood Sea

    A sea that borders the northern parts of the Magedom of Stygia, and connects the Black Ocean with the Stone Ocean. It gets its name for the water is as crimson as the ichor of a freshly cut corpse. The branch that flows into the Stone Ocean operates on the Stone Ocean's odd, specific rules.
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  • Styx River

    A river that borders the southern capes of the Magedom of Stygia and the large Southern Continent of the Charted Demon Realm (working on name will edit it in when it comes to that point). The Styx River is narrow and winding, with a single bridge connecting to the Southern Continent. The river flows from the Black Ocean to the West, and empties into the Stone Ocean to the East. The river is known for being murky, dark, and containing a number of man and demon eating beasts which slither through its rapids. Swimming isn't advised.
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