Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:02 pm

Kingdom of Iberia

  • Kingdom of Iberia

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  • Port City of Madrigal

    Port City of Madrigal
    The Capital City of Kingdom of Iberia; the seat of power in all of Iberia. With a beautiful port to welcome distant travellers to a city steeped in a vibrant and amorous culture with its share of wealth and military prowess for several centuries. Iberians are ruled by a Monarchy as well as the Religious Concordat of the Orthodox Hazorian Church, ran by the Iberian Templar Order.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:10 am
    Rufus Tenik The Nave
  • The Grand Cathedral of Hazoria

    The Grand Cathedral of Hazoria
    Of the Twelve acknowledged War Gods and Goddesses of Galiavan's various faiths, only the Goddess of Light, Hazoria the Slayer of Darkness is worshiped in Iberia. However, Iberian's may differ from those who practice the faith of Hazoria elsewhere in the world of Galiavan, with the Goddess' very words being absolute law. This means, the Iberian chapter of the Hazorian faith is more zealot in nature, Orthodox and unbending. Its Priests, Nuns and Concordat Warrior Monks are celibate and unyielding to the practice of extermination of evil and darkness in all its forms. Unlike in other Hazorian churches, like the one in Ithteca, only humans and certain beast kin are allowed to serve in the Iberian Templar Order. This order considers Elves a heretical race, as are Teronians, Vampires, Lamia and other non-humans with exception of Leprechauns and Centaurs.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:10 am
    Rufus Tenik The Nave
  • The Golden Palace: The Palace of Madrigal

    The Golden Palace: The Palace of Madrigal
    The home of the Royal Family of Madrigal and the seat of the Iberian Crown. From listening to its peoples grievances, to knighting 'Cabelleros' or Knights of the Iberian Crown. Said Cabelleros are given the honorific of 'Don' (male) or 'Dama' (female), and are of Iberian Noble rank as soon as they are given this esteemed honorific.
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  • Apartments of the Cabelleros

    Apartments of the Cabelleros
    The backside of the Golden Palace is a dedicated fortress and barracks that house the Cabelleros and Royal Guard of the Iberian Royal Family who are on active duty. The fortification is decorated to fit the rest of the palace's golden aesthetic but is equally fortified to protect against any manner of attack.
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  • The Tiberian Alps

    The Tiberian Alps
    The treacherous Tiberian Alps that separate Northern Iberia with Southern Iberia. There are some secluded and rather temperate valleys strewn throughout the mountains, but the mountains themselves, being part of the Northern Ice Caps, make them extremely difficult and dangerous to navigate. Thankfully, since 2495, a train from Madrigal in South Iberia to Dominae in the North cuts through the treacherous mountain paths and allow a modicum of comfort for modern travellers.
    8 Topics
    94 Posts
    Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:59 am
    Crimson Knight Brigade Bar Room
  • 8 Topics
    94 Posts
    Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:59 am
    Crimson Knight Brigade Bar Room
  • The Dragon Alley Pub: Take 2

    Back by popular demand; the Pub that is specifically designed for monsters and demons of any voracious kind can meet and relax. The Pub offers similar services to any normal human pub, with the exception that the patrons can also hire 'belly dancers'. A name coined by the Pub's original, but long since dead owner. These belly dancers are able to be eaten alive, and they remain in the belly till excreted or till a 'failsafe' is activated. They can survive all this because a particular magical red sash they wear that keeps them from being completely digested and help them maintain a proper air supply. The failsafe, is rather excruciating process that will not be disclosed at this time.
    6 Topics
    54 Posts
    Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:27 am
    Ling-Ling The Blue Room
  • The Grievous

    A large hidden base that is buried deep and near to the Serpent Street Brothel. Only true members of the CKB are allowed to be in it's restricted areas. (CKB protected; only CKB affiliated will be allowed to post here [but try if you want to :P])

    2 Topics
    10 Posts
    Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:23 am
    Professor Cas Hojo Hojo's Lab
  • Steppes of Dominae

    Steppes of Dominae
    A lush green valley on the other side of the Tiberian Alps, that make up much of North Iberia. Farms that produce livestock and the nation's famed horses and several vineyards that produce grapes and olive oil dot the landscape leading up to the 'North Capital' the Floating City of Dominae, set in a marshland repurposed into a beautiful floating city.
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  • The Floating City of Dominae

    The Floating City of Dominae
    'The capital of the North', the beautiful Iberian City of Dominae known colloquially as the 'Floating City'. Repurposed marshland that was altered by a deranged Feniran bastard of an architect who, quote: 'really wanted to build a floating city' to spite the beauty of Southern Iberia. The result is this sprawling town above the water of Dominae Bay. For years, before the intervention of Tenik Industrial in the 2450s, the only way the famed horses of Iberia were exported was through Dominae's ports that sailed around the rocky cape of the Tiberian Alps to the Port City of Madrigal in the South.
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    Darkstorm Zero Last PostsView latest post
    Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:43 am
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    by Rufus Tenik
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    Rufus Tenik Last PostsView latest post
    Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:35 pm

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